Friday, February 26, 2010

Appointments Galore!

This morning Liam had his 18 month check up. We met a knew doctor in the practice and was not surprised to find that we liked him just as much as every other one we have met so far! Liam showed off his talking skills and convinced both the doctor and I that we should wait another six months before we decide whether or not to start speech therapy. He was in the 18% for weight (about 23-24 lbs), 60% for height (32.75 in) and a whopping 90% for head circumference. He did a good job with all 4 shots and was award a Bravery certificate and a free kids meal from chick-fil-a! His favorite part was the 4 band-aids.

This afternoon I had my first prenatal appointment! I am 10 weeks today and it was great to go in and see our midwife and nurse again. They were both very excited to see Liam too. We were able to hear our baby's heartbeat beating at 169bpm! It didn't take the nurse very long to find it either. It was such a relief to finally have some reassurance that our baby is ok!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Justin turned 25 today! Last night I woke Liam up and we went and filled his car with balloons and colored the windows while oblivious Justin was inside working. Justin seemed to think it was a nice surprise. When we were dating I used to break into his car and leave messages and other surprises (like food) so I thought it would be a nice blast from the past for him! Unfortunatly, he had to come home and sleep. However, that didn't halt Liam and I from continuing a birthday celebration. It just so happens that our good friend Dani shares a birthday! Naturally us girls (and Liam) went out for lunch! When we got back Justin was waking up so we drove to the rec. center to buy Justin his birthday present - a gym membership! Afterwords we met back up with the girls plus another husband and helped ourselves to some ColdStone ice cream! Needless to say, I think that I have gained all the weight I have lost during the pregnancy back just in during this afternoon- but man was it worth it!
After dessert, Justin, Liam and I headed off the store to get some cool workout clothes for Justin. To finish off the birthday celebrations we came home, did homework and then Justin left for work. Overall, it was a wonderful day!

Happy Birthday Justin! I love you!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today was Liam's first day in nursery by himself! After sacrement meeting he ran straight for the toys. It didn't take him too long to find Elmo. He was to preoccupied with toys and kids to even notice us leave. Justin and I got to listen to almost all of Sunday School before he realized that we were gone. I actually brought my scriptures to church today (something I gave up on months ago because they turned into extra weight to haul around that I never got to open). When the nursery leader came to find us Liam was pretty distraught. All he wanted to do was snuggle his daddy. Justin said Liam refused to be put down through half of priesthood meeting. For his first day, I think Liam did awesome. He has never been left with someone he doesn't see on a regular basis so I was impressed. Maybe next week he will make it through all of Sunday school!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Best Half Birthday Ever

So I can only think of two important half birthdays- 1.5 and 15.5. I think that 15 and half is probably the scariest seeing as in Colorado that is when kids get their driver's permits. So that fear automatically leave the 18 month birthday as the best. I think it deserves the title though! Liam has hit that anxiously awaited half birthday! That means he gets to go to nursery during the last 2 hours of church! What a blessing! We have spent the last 3 Sundays in there anyways, because when we walk to halls he always hears the kids. The nursery leaders are awesome and let us come play. Hopefully the time we have spent in there will help with the adjustment- if he even needed help! I think he will do great! I am so excited to be kid free during the last blocks for a whole 7 months!!!

Happy 18months Liam!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby #2 is on the way!

Well it looks like we will have another monkey joining our family September 24th! After the shock of another surprise pregnancy we couldn't be happier! Even though Liam doesn't understand yet I know he will be excited! He loves babies and always tries to hold them and love on them. I might have my hands full when the baby comes! Justin's new goal- to eventually have a planned pregnancy! I guess for not planning this it will work out well with school schedules and such. The kids (that sounds weird!) will be 25 months apart so at least we hit the 2 year mark!
P.S. My computer is stupid and has locked me out of photo editing so I can't rotate the pictures. We I get on the desktop I will fix it! Sorry!
Daisypath Anniversary tickers