Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby #2 is on the way!

Well it looks like we will have another monkey joining our family September 24th! After the shock of another surprise pregnancy we couldn't be happier! Even though Liam doesn't understand yet I know he will be excited! He loves babies and always tries to hold them and love on them. I might have my hands full when the baby comes! Justin's new goal- to eventually have a planned pregnancy! I guess for not planning this it will work out well with school schedules and such. The kids (that sounds weird!) will be 25 months apart so at least we hit the 2 year mark!
P.S. My computer is stupid and has locked me out of photo editing so I can't rotate the pictures. We I get on the desktop I will fix it! Sorry!


  1. I am so excited for another little liam!!! Congrats again!

  2. Congratulations!! Are you going to find out what you're having?
    Rebecca Aycock


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