Thursday, February 18, 2010

Best Half Birthday Ever

So I can only think of two important half birthdays- 1.5 and 15.5. I think that 15 and half is probably the scariest seeing as in Colorado that is when kids get their driver's permits. So that fear automatically leave the 18 month birthday as the best. I think it deserves the title though! Liam has hit that anxiously awaited half birthday! That means he gets to go to nursery during the last 2 hours of church! What a blessing! We have spent the last 3 Sundays in there anyways, because when we walk to halls he always hears the kids. The nursery leaders are awesome and let us come play. Hopefully the time we have spent in there will help with the adjustment- if he even needed help! I think he will do great! I am so excited to be kid free during the last blocks for a whole 7 months!!!

Happy 18months Liam!


  1. I am so excited to send Kaden off to nursery as well! He does so good in the gym daycare so I don't think he'll have a problem adjusting. I can't wait to actually pay attention in Sunday school!

  2. Marlie is right behind you Liam! I wish we still lived close so they could remain friends! Marlie had her first "test drive" of Nursery last Sunday. Elmo is also a huge fav here! Yeah for actually using scriptures at church!


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