Friday, February 26, 2010

Appointments Galore!

This morning Liam had his 18 month check up. We met a knew doctor in the practice and was not surprised to find that we liked him just as much as every other one we have met so far! Liam showed off his talking skills and convinced both the doctor and I that we should wait another six months before we decide whether or not to start speech therapy. He was in the 18% for weight (about 23-24 lbs), 60% for height (32.75 in) and a whopping 90% for head circumference. He did a good job with all 4 shots and was award a Bravery certificate and a free kids meal from chick-fil-a! His favorite part was the 4 band-aids.

This afternoon I had my first prenatal appointment! I am 10 weeks today and it was great to go in and see our midwife and nurse again. They were both very excited to see Liam too. We were able to hear our baby's heartbeat beating at 169bpm! It didn't take the nurse very long to find it either. It was such a relief to finally have some reassurance that our baby is ok!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I'm still sooo excited for you guys and I can't wait to find out the gender! Glad everything is healthy!


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